and Goals
and Conclusion
References |
Social and Ethical Issues
of Steganography
A lot of the current controversy surrounding
steganography can be characterized in terms of tension between
government, industry and individuals. There are two main
reasons for this. Firstly, the publishing and broadcasting
industries have become interested in techniques for hiding
encrypted copyright marks and serial numbers in digital
films, audio recordings, books and multimedia products;
an interest in new market opportunities created by digital
distribution which is coupled with a fear that digital works
could be too easy to copy.
Secondly, moves by various governments in
the past and present to restrict the availability of encryption
services has motivated people to study methods by which
private messages can be embedded in seemingly innocuous
cover messages. The ease with which this can be done may
be an argument against imposing restrictions.
Powerful encryption tools are widely available
to people all around the world, and there seems to be nothing
that can stop these technologies from spreading, to innocent,
security conscious individuals and criminals alike. From
the government's point of view, the availability of strong
encryption methods to the general public is a threat to
public security and safety; terrorists and criminals can
communicate freely, since the officials do not have any
possibility of decrypting or, in the case of steganography,
even detecting these digital messages. Therefore, there
are initiatives in the U.S. and in Europe that intend to
preserve the law-enforcement and signal-intelligence capabilities
of governmental agencies by restricting the import, export
and use of these powerful security tools, or by requiring
that they include "back doors" that would allow
law enforcement agencies to decrypt and read these encrypted
messages at will.
One of the main drawbacks of using encryption
is that when you see an encrypted message you know that
it's an encrypted message. If someone captures a network
data stream or an e-mail that is encrypted, the mere fact
that the data is encrypted might raise suspicion. The person
monitoring the traffic may investigate why and use various
tools to try to figure out the message's contents. In other
words, encryption provides confidentiality but not secrecy.
With steganography, however, the information is hidden,
and someone looking at a .jpg image, for instance, wouldn't
be able to determine if there's any information within the
image. So hidden information could be right in front of
our eyes, and we wouldn't see it. It is possible to combine
steganography and encryption by first encrypting the data
and then using steganography to hide it. This two-step process
adds additional security. If someone manages to figure out
the steganographic system used, he wouldn't be able to read
the data he extracted because it's encrypted.
This makes governments and law enforcement
agencies very nervous. One of the disadvantages of using
plain encryption was that it is relatively easy to monitor
who is talking to whom, when, how and so forth. For example,
if a known drug-dealer is sending encrypted messages to
someone not yet under suspicion, the implications are pretty
clear. But with steganography, law enforcement officials
aren't even sure there are messages being passed back and
forth. For example, if two people decided to communicate
without alerting others that they were in fact communicating
they might do so by mean of a public forum that allows postings
of pictures, such as USENET. The entire public exchange
between the two people is completely inconspicuous and virtually
In the wake of 9/11, officials suspected
that the terrorists may have been communicating using images
of items that were put up for auction on eBay. With Ebay
being such a high volume site, this made it an ideal medium
of communication in that the ability to monitor who visited
what page is very difficult. Also, due to the large number
of images on the site it would be practically impossible
to scan all images that are submitted to the site for steganographic
content. And even then, there is no assurance that you have
detected all the modified images.
During the Second
World War, message detection was improved on while new technologies
were developed which could pass more information and be
even less conspicuous. The Germans developed microdot technology
that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover referred to as "the
enemy's masterpiece of espionage." Microdots are photographs
the size of a printed period having the clarity of standard-sized
typewritten pages. The first microdots were discovered masquerading
as a period on a typed envelope carried by a German agent
in 1941. The message was not hidden, nor encrypted. It was
just so small as to not draw attention to itself (for a
while). Besides being so small, microdots permitted the
transmission of large amounts of data including drawings
and photographs.
With many methods being discovered and intercepted,
the Office of Censorship took extreme actions such as banning
flower deliveries which contained delivery dates, crossword
puzzles and even report cards as they can all contain secret
messages. Censors even went as far as rewording letters
and replacing stamps on envelopes.
One might be tempted to think that such
a thing would no longer happen in our free speech centered,
liberal world, but consider this. After video tapes of Bin
Laden were released to the media, the US government prohibited
the public airing of the tapes out of fear that they would
contain hidden messages to his followers.
Other applications for steganography include
the automatic monitoring of radio advertisements, where
it would be convenient to have an automated system to verify
that adverts are played as contracted; indexing of video
mail, where one may want to embed comments in the content;
and medical safety, where current image formats such as
DICOM separate image data from the text (such as the patient's
name, date and physician), with the result that the link
between image and patient occasionally gets mangled by protocol
converters. Thus embedding the patient's name in the image
could be a useful safety measure.
Where the application involves the protection
of intellectual property, we may distinguish between watermarking
and fingerprinting. In the former, all the instances of
an object are marked in the same way, and the object of
the exercise is either to signal that an object should not
be copied, or to prove ownership in a later dispute. One
may think of a watermark as one or more copyright marks
that are hidden in the content. With fingerprinting, on
the other hand, separate marks are embedded in the copies
of the object that are supplied to different customers.
The effect is somewhat like a hidden serial number: it enables
the intellectual property owner to identify customers who
break their license agreement by supplying the property
to third parties.
In one system we encountered, a specially
designed cipher enables an intellectual property owner to
encrypt a film soundtrack or audio recording for broadcast,
and issue each of his subscribers with a slightly different
key; these slight variations cause imperceptible errors
in the audio decrypted using that key, and the errors identify
the customer. The system also has the property that more
than four customers have to collude in order to completely
remove all the evidence identifying them from either the
keys in their possession or the audio that they decrypt.
Using such a system, a subscriber to a music channel who
posted audio tracks to the Internet, or who published his
personal decryption key there, could be rapidly identified.
The content owner could then either prosecute, revoke the
key, or both.
With just these few examples we can see
that the uses of steganography are wide and varied; ranging
from legitimate personal privacy to product control, from
patient confidentiality to corresponding between terrorist.
It is easy to overlook the good in the face of the overwhelming
fear that is aroused when faced with the possibility of
yet another 9/11. However, that does not mean this tool
should be banned or restricted. Indeed, with the rapid deployment
of anything placed on the internet, any attempt to do so
would be futile, perhaps detrimental, and would prevent
those in industry and academia from perusing research in
this field, research in such things as detection and extraction.
That, seemingly, is the logical conclusion, but with government
the logical conclusion isn't necessarily the one that is
acted on.
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